Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams holds a Ph.D. in Medical Anthropology from the University of Toronto. Her dissertation, Re/producing Legitimacy: Midwifery and Indigeneity in the Yucatán Peninsula, was based on eighteen months of ethnographic fieldwork in Quintana Roo and Yucatán, Mexico. She is the author of several peer-reviewed publications, including an essay in Social Science & Medicine entitled Divergent narratives of blame: Maternal mortality rates, reproductive governance, and midwifery in Mexico. Williams will teach a course about Theorizing Reproductive In/Justice for GNSS in the fall, and a course on Race, Racialization, and Health for ANTH in the spring. She brings an emphasis on inclusion and engagement to her teaching pedagogy, emerging from her research work with diverse communities. She can be found on Twitter at @misanthropologa.