Donna Zaccaro ’83, P’19
Donna Zaccaro Ullman is the founder and president of Dazzling Media and Ferrodonna Features Inc. Both are New York-based media production companies that produce documentary, independent and corporate films, as well as television and web video content - one for profit and the other nonprofit, with a mission of producing films about women, women’s issues and social justice issues. Donna directed the award-winning documentary To a More Perfect Union: United States v. Windsor (2017) as well as Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way (2013), a critically acclaimed documentary chronicling the political and family life of her mother. Donna is also a principal of Homestead Finance, LLC, a real estate investment company. Donna has served on the boards of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation and the Grace Church School (NY).
Zaccaro earned an A.B. from Brown University in comparative literature and an MBA from Harvard University.