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Tags Undergraduate

Helen Terry MacLeod Research Grant

Funding Opportunities

The MacLeod grant supports undergraduate honors research on issues having to do with women, gender, and/or sexuality, or research that brings a feminist analysis to bear on a problem or set of questions. Students currently working on honors theses in any field are eligible to apply. The $1000 grant is to be used to further research.

For application due date, see here

Application materials should include:

  • a three to five page description of your honors thesis
  • a letter of support from your thesis advisor
  • a brief description of how you would use the grant funds, if awarded

The grant honors the life of Helen Terry MacLeod (1901-1994) who did not herself have a college education but who helped support the undergraduate, graduate, and professional school educations of her grandchildren, including Joan MacLeod Heminway ’83.

2023/24 Recipient

Alexandra L. Lehman '24, Gender and Sexuality Studies and International and Public Affairs, "Imagined Bodies in Imagined Communities: (Re)Producing the Nation in Bosnia and Herzegovina"

Past Recipients

  • 2022/23 - Leona Hariharan '23, Theatre Arts and Performance Studies; Neuroscience
    "Embodied Imaginations: Performance, Care, and Healing Justice"
  • 2021/22 - Emma Blake, International Relations
    "Gender-based Violence and State-Sponsored Aggression: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Intimate Partner Violence and State Militarization"
  • 2020/21 - Sabrina Bajwa, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Hispanic Studies 
    "Reproductive (In)justice in Detention"
  • 2019/20 - Camila Pelsinger, International Relations
    "Restorative responses to gender-based violence in the United States & New Zealand"
  • 2018/19 - Marielle E. Burt, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Literary Arts
    "Directing Towards Social Dialogue"
  • 2017/18 - Brigitte Dale, History
    "Radical Actors: The WSPU’s Staging of the Suffrage Campaign"
  • 2016/17 - Vi L. Mai, Latin American & Caribbean Studies; International Relations
     "Contesting HIV/AIDS in Cuba: The Stories Behind the Headlines"
  • 2015/2016 - Christin Aucapino, Public Health
    "Challenges on The Front Line: HIV Services Provided in Havana, Cuba"
  • 2014/2015 - Patricia Ekpo, American Studies; Gender and Sexuality Studies
    "Everyday Utopia in Virtual Spaces: Tumblr, Depression, and Queer Futurity"
  • 2013/2014 - Lindsay Sovern, History; Gender and Sexuality Studies
    "Gorbachev and Yeltsin's Masculine Rivalry"
  • 2012/2013 - Catharine Savage, History; Gender and Sexuality Studies
    "The Personal is Academic: Women's Studies and Ethnic Studies at Brown University"
  • 2011/2012 - Co-recipients Ann Crawford-Roberts, Anthropology
    "Conceptualization of stigma associated with HIV/AIDS in Botswana"
  • 2011/2012 - Emily Mepham, Gender and Sexuality Studies
    "Working Mothers: Challenges and Barriers in the Perinatal Period"
  • 2010/2011 - Taylor Lane, Comparative Literature
    "Enterprise and Habit, or, How to Talk to Your Neighbor: Alcoholics Anonymous as a Social Model"
  • 2009/2010 - Joy Neumeyer, History
    "Public Discourse, Private Lives: Love, Sex, and Family in Late Soviet Russia"
  • 2008/2009 - Karen Dannemiller, Engineering
    "Household formaldehyde detection device"
  • 2007/2008 - Elisabeth A. Stelson, Education
    "Saving Women from Suffrage: Women Antisuffragists in Illinois, 1897-1913"

From 1995-2007 the Pembroke Center awarded this prize for an outstanding undergraduate honors thesis that addressed questions of gender or women, or that brought a feminist analysis to bear on a topic of study. In 2007, this award was changed from a prize for a completed honors thesis to a research grant available to support undergraduate honors research.

Past Prize Recipients

  • 2007 - Victoria L. Fortuna, Comparative Literature - "Unmaking Materiality: The Politics of Representation in Argentina’s 'Dirty War'"
  • 2006 - Jennifer Michelle Keighley, Political Science and Public Policy - "The Gubernatorial Role Model Effect: Do Female Political Chief Executives Improve Women’s Rates of Political Representation?"
  • 2005 - Sushil Chacko N. Jacob, International Relations - "The Peaks of Power: Women and Development in Himachal Pradesh, India"
  • 2004 - Tara Kolar Ramchandani, International Relations - "The Link Between Microfinance and Gender Development Theory: The Bolivian Cases of BancoSol and ProMujer"
  • 2003 - Sarah L. Mehta, Development Studies - "The Problematic Citizen: India’s Muslim Women and the Discord Between Rights and Culture"
  • 2003 - Sarah Talbot Staley, Public Policy - "Breaking the Glass Ceiling and Controlling the Floor: The Role of Women Representatives in the United States Senate"
  • 2002 - Bonnell Graedon, Religious Studies - "Guard the Mouth: Fasting and Silence in Early Christianity"
  • 2001 - Jennifer Marie Cartwright - "Credit Program Participation and Women’s Empowerment in Bangladesh"
  • 2001 - Rose Sarita Shuman, International Relations - "Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: The Invisible Epidemic Ugandan Refugee Settlements"
  • 2000 - Lindsay Edwards Kelley, Art Semiotics - "The Spiritual Reading: Mysticism in the Twentieth Century"
  • 1999 - Rebecca Schulman, Political Science - "Women in European Politics: What European Democracies Can Teach the United States"
  • 1998 - Dana Edell, Classics - Maenadic Experience: Euripides' Bacche and Beyond"
  • 1997 - Emma Wasserman, Religious Studies - "Death in Classical Athens: An Interpretation of Women, Gender, and Power Relationships in the Greek Funeral"
  • 1996 - Yael K Kropsky, Comparative Literature - "Unavowed Confessions Voided Avowels: Excerpts from Claude Cahun's Aveux non Avenus"
  • 1995 - Karina Palmira Lago, Portuguese & Brazilian Studies - "To Punish or Not to Punish: Domestic Violence and the Criminal Justice System in Brazil"